Historia i kultura Ziemi Sławieńskiej. T. 2
Subject and Keywords:Sławno (West Pomeranian Province) - history - publications from conferences ; Sławno (West Pomeranian Province) - culture - publications from conferences ; Sławno (West Pomeranian Province) - archeology - publications from conferences ; Darłowo (West Pomeranian Province) - 1939-1945 - publications from conferences ; Machemehl, Günter (1911-1970) - creation - publications from conferences ; Churches and chapels - Poland - publications from conferences ; Botanical gardens - Poland - publications from conferences ; Manors (mansions) - Poland - publications from conferences ; Duncker, Alexander (1813-1897) - creation - publications from conferences ; Sławno (West Pomeranian Province) - education - history - publications from conferences ; Sławno (West Pomeranian Province) - Botanical gardens - publications from conferences ; Zielniki - history - publications from conferences ; Castles and palaces - Poland - iconography ; Koszalin (West Pomeranian Province) - religion - 1944-1989 ; Warszkowo (West Pomeranian Province) - archeology - publications from conferences ; Warszkowo (West Pomeranian Province) - history - publications from conferences ; The Polish Socialist Party (1892-1948). County Commettee (Sławno) - publications from conferences ; Localizm - Poland - publications from conferences ; Fortifications - history - publications from conferences ; Osieki (West Pomeranian Province) - history - publications from conferences ; Regionalismus - Polen ; Konferenzmaterial ; Pommern - Geschichte ; Schlösser und Paläste - Polen
Description:German summary and bibliography after each chapter
Publisher:Fundacja Dziedzictwo ; Wydawnictwo Margraf
place of the extradition: Contributor:Rączkowski, Włodzimierz. Red. ; Sroka, Jan (1941- ). Red. ; Jerzewska, Brygida. Tł.
Date: Resource Type: Format: ISBN: Source:The Public Library in Slupsk ; 186750 (C Reg 94) ; Őffentliche Stadtbibliothek in Słupsk
Language: License:Institutional license ; Institutionelle Lizenz
Tags:Herbarium - history ; Biesowice (Besswitz) ; Warcino (Varzin) ; Żegocin (Segenthin) ; Kwasowo (Quatzow) ; Bunkers (shelters) - history