Kawaliera : biuletyn Koła nr 21, 2010, nr 3
Subject and Keywords:Pomerania - journals ; War 1939-1945 ; Polish regional and local journals ; Jews - history ; displacement - Germany - 1939 - 1945 ; Families - history - Poland ; Heraldry - Poland ; Polish Sappers Association (Drawno) ; Kalisz Pomorski (West Pomeranian Province) - etnography ; Pommern - Zeitschriften - 21 Jh. ; Polnische regionale und lokale Zeitschriften - 21 Jh.
Publisher:Izba Historyczna Ziemi Pełczyckiej w Pełczycach ; Stowarzyszenie Saperów Polskich w Drawnie
place of the extradition: Contributor: Date: Resource Type: Format: Source:Polish Sappers Assoctation in Drawno ; Izba Historyczna Ziemi Pełczyckiej in Pełczyce ; Verein Polnischer Sapperen Drawno
Language: License:Institutional license ; Institutionelle Lizenz