@misc{_Kreis, howpublished={online}, publisher={Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme}, language={ger}, title={Kreis Neustettin}, type={cartography}, keywords={Army - Germany - 1933-1945 - maps, Military maps - Germany - 1933-1945, Military topography - Germany - 1933-1945, German Air Force of the Third Reich (1933- 1945), Krosino (West Pomeranian Province) - army - 1939-1945 - maps, Air war - 1939-1945 - maps, Jastrowie (Greater Poland Province) - Army - 1939-1945 - maps, Military aviation - Germany - 1933-1945 r., Szczecinek (West Pomeranian Province) - army - 1939-1945 - maps, Czarne (Pomeranian Province, Człuchów County) - Army - 1939-1945 - maps, Prisoner of war camps - Germany - 1933-1945 - maps, West Pomerania - 1939-1945 - maps, Barracs - 1939-1945 - maps, Prisoners of war - Poland - 1939-1945 - maps, Złocieniec (West Pomeranian Province) - Army - 1939-1945 - maps}, }