Słupsk Special Economic Zone INVEST IN SŁUPSK SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN THE POMERANIA REGION www.sse.slupsk.pl 2 SŁUPSK SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE www.sse.slupsk.pl Consider new investments? - Invest in Pomerania! We offer: • Attractive investment lands • Income tax exemption (up to 60%) • Real estate tax exemption • Administrator's assistance during an investment process • Business-friendly atmosphere Słupsk Special Economic Zone We offer 400 hectares of investment land! We are also at the stage of constuc-tion the Słupsk Technological Incubator at the Zone. We offer offices spaces, laboratory spaces, auditorium and warehouse spaces for rent from 2012! Investor Services Department invites you to co-operation! Contact us in order to receive a detailed offer! Contact: The Pomeranian Regional Development Agency The Administrator of the Słupsk Special Economic Zone POLAND, 76-200 Słupsk, Obroncow Wybrzeza 2 Str. Tel. (+48) 59 841 28 92 / Fax. (+48) 59 841 32 61 web: www.sse.slupsk.pl e-mail: office@parr.slupsk.pl ~—""" - 1 ' ими LAMINOPOL offers: biological waste air cleaning systems including: • air-tight sealing of tanks through the application of glass-reinforced polyester covers (Institute of Environmental Protection technical approval) • waste air cleaning with the use of compact and modular bio-filters • tanks and containers for storing chemicals Our achievements: • over 400 covers installed in Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Russia. Belarus and Poland • 60 waste air cleaning installations with the treatment capacity from 180 m3 per hour to 23 600 m3 per hour • project of rotating covers: for tanks containing drinking water: In potentially explosive atmosphere • project of self-supporting cover with a diameter of 33,85 m • Quality System Certificate in Designing and manufacturing of glass-reinforced polyester products • Quality System Certificate in Designing and manufacturing of biological system of air clearing We guarantee: • comprehensive Project implementation • the offectiveness of treatment confirmed by efficiency tests • best available technology BAT • post-warranty service Laminopol sp. z o.o. POLAND, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Szczecińska 58 В, tel. +48 59 845 34 63, fax +48 59 845 29 59 e-mail: centrala@laminopol.com, www.laminopol.com.pl 2012- Targowy - 3 The International Presence of the City of Słupsk Słupsk is the attractive and modern city, acting in favour of european unity and of care and respect to cultural diversity. As a city, Słupsk is a member of many important organizations, grouping European cities and local government bodies. С Ji Jlupsk is a city permanently investing into itself, and through it bet-41 * ter-known and more attractive -4M. to its inhabitants\, the entrepre-neurs and tourists. The grow-' K1 Juj ing attractivity encourages the Л foreign business people, who ■ Ю J may successfully place and run :f their businesses in the city and ' 'l within its environs (the Slupskj ^ Special Economic Zone). Sev- eral thousand enterprises work in Słupsk, and prevauiling trades are plastics processing, production of buses, fish processing and production of windows. This is a huge, steadily developing potential. Extending technical infrastructure, and emerging tourism and sports facilities encourage the development. The city cares as well for the extension of tourism and recreation, a s the attractivity of a historic city, located close to the sea, beauty and richness of the Nature of Cassubia and of the Słowiński National Park make crowds of tourists come to us. I invite everybody to come to our city, open and friendly to guests. Maciej Kobyliński Mayor of the City of Słupsk Mr. Maciej Kobyliński, the Mayor of the City of Słupsk, had been elected member of the Committee of Regions of the EU in 2004, and has remained in this capacity to the present day. Since 2007 Słupsk has been the member of the Union of the Baltic Cities, propagating the idea of sustained development of the region. As well, Słupsk is an active member of the International Union of the New Hanse, in which it has accentuated its presence through promotional events showing the cultural and economic potential of the city and the region. Furthermore, through the presence and work in the Union of the Municipalities of the Republic of Poland of the Euro-Region Baltic, the city contributes to the cross-border co-operation. As well, Słupsk is the member city of the European Centre of natural Environment Protection - Association for Ecological Movements, implementing in it the ecological and environmental protection projects. Furthermore, Słupsk has been one of the founding members of the "Pomorskie in the EU" Association, in which it has actively worked for dissemination of knowledge of our region among the EU member states and their citizens. Such active presence of Słupsk on the international arena surely increases its chances for winning foreign capital investors, and their investment projects shall contribute to the economic development of the city. For this purpose the local authorities take many actions to win profitable investments. For this purpose as well, the local government actively maintain international co-operation. In this area; in 2011 the city stressed its presence on many domestic and intenation-al events, attended by representations of many European cities and regions. One of these had been, in May, the 31st International Congress of Hanseatic Cities at Kaunas in Lithuania, during which our delegation, one of more than hundred representations of other cities (including 23 Polish) had the opportunity to present the cultural achievements of Słupsk. Undoubtedly the „clou" of March had been the participation of Słupsk and of Ustka, as the „BiCity" in the Europe's biggest ITB Tourism Fair at Berlin. On a common stand both cities presented the culinary specialities from the so-called Słupsk Regional Basket, and the representatives of Słupsk encouraged the visitors to come and relax in our region. In April, delegation of Słupsk visited Grodno in Belarus. During many meetings with representatives of local authorities and schools the directions and opportunities of possible co-operation in edcucational and cultural area had been discussed. In July Słupsk as a city participated in the yearly meeting of Three Cities' Partnership - Słupsk, Flensburg and Carlisle - this time held at Flensburg in Germany. The delegations exchanged i/a experiences in the area of re-vitalization of degraded parts of their cities. For our delegation the meeting was precious and of advantage, as extensive and advanced re-vitalization works are now in the course of realization in Słupsk within the frame of the called "Dukes' Trail project". In September a delegation of Słupsk took part in the Citizen's Congress of Twin Town at Rybnik. The Congress was attended by more than 300 delegations of local governments from 31 European countries; the participants discussed i/a the strengthening of local government partnership. The above is only a part of the international presence of our city, cared for and extended by Słupsk on many co-operation levels, with many cities and countries. Evidence for our long and fruitful co-operation are the bonds of friendship with the cities of Carlisle (UK), of Vantaa (Finland), of Flensburg (FR of Germany), of Archangielsk (Russia), of Bari (Italy), of Buchara (Uzbekistan), of Vordingborg (Denmark), of Cartaxo (Portugal) and of Grodno (Belarus). We strive as well to establish two more partnerships - with the Chinese City of Xiamen and the Norwegian City of Fredrikstad, to which our delegations paid visits last year, to prepare the ground for co-operation. By the way it is worth mentioning, that the official partnerships facilitate as well contacts between citizens of the partner cities, as it was in the case of the voyages of our delegations to Grodno (Belarus), from which groups of children and youths came to us for holidays on our seaside. The Mayor's Office, Municipal Office of Słupsk, Poland, 76-200 Słupsk, Plac Zwycięstwa 3 phone/fax +48 59 848 84 41, e-mail: gpm(2)um.slupsk.pl, www.slupsk.pl Come and try us, tourist! The main activity area of the „Słupsk Land" Agency for Regional Promotion is the promotion of Słupsk and other municipalities from the County of Słupsk through showing off their economic and tourist highlights. The said Agency run as well the Tourist Info Centre, publish promotional materials, organize events and takes part in fairs, congresses and conferences as the representatives of Słupsk and the Słupsk Subregion. The „Słupsk Land" Info Centre is located in the Starzyńskiego street No. 8 in Słupsk. It offers tourist information services in Polish, German and English languages. They also rent bicycles for tourists and offer free access to the Web (Internet). Planned to start soon is publishing of own bi-weekly „Ziemia Słupska" magazine (10.000 copies). We invite you to co-operation! Additional activities of the Agency: • sale of publications (albums, books folders, maps, guides, coins etc. related to Słupsk and the Słupsk Land, • sale of products from the so-called Słupsk Local Basket: • „Słupski Chłopczyk" camembert-type and „Kaszubski Chłopczyk" cheeses, honey, • jams, syrups, mushrooms, • sale of tickets for cultural and sport events, photocopying, laminating and binding centre. Agencja Promocji Regionalnej Ziemia Słupska Sp. z o.o. („Słupsk Land" Agency for Regional Promotion Co. Ltd.) Polska, Słupsk, ul. Starzyńskiego 8 Phone Tourist Information +48 59 842 43 26, Phone Agency Office +48 59 842 20 06, it(a)apr.slupsk.pl, biuro(3>apr.slupsk.pl £ 9ąOMOC/; ЙЕМ1Л ^ fri U ii T11 1 "IJliL w Renovation of old Słupsk The tourists, coming to our city, may admire its beautifully renovated buildings, that had given it the nickname „Little Paris of the North". The said renovation and revitalization of those buildings are in greater part a merit of the Housing Management Enterprise, who specialize in modern management of municipal affairs of the city, with stress upon the revitalization of old buildings in their pre—war styles. The Housing Management Enterprise, known in Poland as PGM Sp. z o.o.,as an enterprise lookback to a long tradition and for 15 years have successfully managed the municipal estates, striving to improve the living conditions of lodgers occupying municipal, mostly more than 10 years old buildings. Management of housing substance of a city is a complicated business,but on the other hand it offers many opportunities of cooperation with the said lodgers. The enterprise manage the biggest CU of estates in the city, IV| most of which are housing communities. Main goal of the enterprise and the communities is at present the above-mentioned revitalization of the housing substance within the core of the city. Results are more and more visible - to name only the beautifully re- called „Revitalization of the Dukes' Trail", part of which is the extensive renovation of the old part of the city core. Totally, in 2011 the faces of ca. 40 buildings have been renovated. Most of the works may be done with co-operation of inhabitants. stored faces of buildings in Tuwima, Wojska Polskiego, Krasińskiego streets; works are under way on buildings in other parts of the city, e. g. in Partyzantów and Armii Krajowej streets. Most impressive of the results shall be observed upon completion pf the whole project In Słupsk there are many historically-important buildings, now under restoration and renovation. This had become purpose of a Foundation set up especially to restore, renovate and revitalize the still existing buildings of the city, called „Słupsk - My Hometown". One of almost-ready projects, implemented by the Foundation is the restoration of the building in Tuwima street 34 - in which the painter Otto Freundlich was born - artist, sculptor, pioneer of abstraction in the arts. The work of the Enterprise is appraised generally by the architects, city-planners and monument conservators; projects implemented so far by the enterprise allowed for their many successes in the contest „Modernization of the Year". Like before, as well in the year 2011 the enterprise proposed their projects to the next edition of the contest - renovations of buildings in: Wojska Polskiego 1 and 2-2a, Niedziałkowskiego 4, Krasińskiego 14 and 15, Tuwima 2, Jaracza 22/Słowackiego 1 streets. Thanks to the work of the Enterprise and to involvement of the citizens, the number of beauti-fully-restored buildings in Słupsk continuously grows. The said buildings adorn the city, and thus invite the tourists from faraway to come and stay here. Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Mieszkaniowej Sp. z o.o. Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Tuwima 4 tel.: +48 59 842 52 22 do 24 faks:+48 59 842 80 48 e-mail: sekretariat(a)pgm.slupsk.pl 2012 Targowy 5 A good city to invest in! Słupsk as a big industrial centre in the Pomeranian Voivodeship is situated 130 km from the metropolitan Gdansk. The city, grouping many bodies, producers and services, plays an important role in the region. Several thousands of business entities are located in Słupsk, some of which well-known in Europe, such as Messrs, among others. Scania (Swedish bus & truck producer) has placed its biggest bus assembling factory in Slupsk. It is one of most important foreign investors in the city. Moreover, Slupsks investors include Kapena-Cacciama-li - bus producers (Italian capital), Faserplast AG - plastic materials processing (Swiss capital), Jardin International Holding B.V. - plastic materials processing (German capital), Curver - plastic materials processing (Israel capital) and Plast Team - plastic materials processing (Danish capital). Also listed companies, such as Plast-Box and Gino Rossi, are based in Slupsk. The companies Polimeni International, Echo Investment as well as Mayland Real Estate have realized big projects. It is worth to mention that Slupsk has created a Special Economic Zone with the aim to support and enhance the industrial expansion of the city. The Special Economic Zone offers attractive land, developed with technical media as well as many reliefs, including tax reductions for investors implementing new projects. So far several investors have started running their businesses in the Zone, offering more than 2.500 new workplaces. Post-investment activities taken by the city have won much appraise in many contests and ranking lists. Slupsk had been distinguished with the "Teraz Polska" (Now Poland) Promotional Logo, an award for the Country's Municipalities, which are best-run and most attractive five ponds, known as Convent (Monastery) Ponds, whose objective is the general restoration and revitalization of five centuries-old ponds, including construction of a bungalow on the water. both to citizens and entrepreneurs. Striving to attract new investors, the city continuously enriches its manifold offer. This means, that Slupsk is worth to invest in. New investment projects are presently in the course of implementation, funded partially from the purse of the EU. In 2012 the construction of the Aquapark Recreation, Sports and Rehabilitation Centre shall be finished. The new structure will be one of Poland's most impressive new structures in its class, composed of a set of recreation pools, regular sports swimming pool, fitness and well-ness-spa, among others. A Cafe, restaurants, body-building centre and bowling space as well as outdoor recreation facilities will round-up the whole offer. Services of Aquapark will be available for approximately 1000 people at the same time. Next to Aquapark, works are going on in the area of parts of the city within the frame of the project entitled „Revitalization of the Duke's Road in Slupsk". Value of this undertaking, to be completed by the end of the year 2012, almost reaches the markofPLN 50,000; the By the end of the running year the Slupsks Technology Incubator, a modern office and workshop space, should be erected and fully equipped. The new structure will offer office and production spaces to start up businesses. Through its existence and activities, the Incubator is expected to create a climate friendly to development of innovative economy. The profile of the Incubator will be multi-faceted with main stress on the IT, metallurgy, metal processing, welding, food production technologies, industrial physics and recyclable energy. The idea behind the project is to activate and develop the above-mentioned trades in our vicinity. The project and Incubator will encourage the inflow of new investors, setting up new workplaces and co-operation between local scientific milieu and local business. Since 2010 works have been conducted on revitalization of old funding sources are EU grants, money from the municipal purse and housing communities as their share in renovation costs of the buildings. Within the scope of the project several old Art-Nouveau-houses and streets have been renovated so far, thus creating beautiful spots in the centre of the city. As well, 'cultural yards' have been arranged around some old buildings and a Ceramic Workshop has been set up. Furthermore, extension works on the RONDO-Theatre are running within the scope of the project. Newly renovated spots within the city have created spaces for active life of inhabitants. Please read more about many local investment activities on www. slupsk.pl and www.coislupsk.pl. All entrepreneurs interested in the municipal investment offer and in complete counselling are warmly invited to use the services of Investor's Service Centre www. coislupsk.pl. CITY INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Hall of Slupsk, 3 Plac Zwycięstwa 76-200 Slupsk POLAND, phone/fax +48 59 848 83 04, e-mail: wrm(S)um.slupsk.pl, www.coislupsk.pl 6 Słupsk cares for its environment Interesting solutions in protection of natural environment, and modern municipal management applied by the city of Słupsk became to standard for other municipalities. From the Government's point of view I can say, that your city takes advantage of most essential things in ecology in Poland thus deserving the highest note in this area, said the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Environment, handing over the prestigious prize "Panteon of Polish Ecology" for innovative activities on this area to representatives of our city during the Poleko-Fair at Poznań. waste water management systems Says Mr. Maciej Kobyliński, of both Słupsk and Kobylnica Mu- the Mayor of the City - Słupsk nicipalities to highest domestic had been granted many a prestigous and EU requirements. prize in the area of natural environ- Equally important issue for the ment protection, but it's certainly clean city was the laying of the city not for these that we care for our bypass, which improved the traffic Nature. We just enjoy our city being system in the city and reduced the recognized both within and without levels of noise and of exhaust gas- the country, as one of sustained dees. As well, many minor ecological velopment, open to new technologies, tasks could be implemented, no friendly both to Nature and business. less important to the city. Reno- Our activities in the area of water/ vation of the system of water res- wastewater management, utiliza-ervoirs, construction of the trout/ tion of sediments, solutions in waste salmon bypass on the Słupia river management, utilization of bio-gas The successes of Słupsk in ecology are soundly-based upon the well-prepared and long-standing Environment Protection program, accepted by the Municipal Council for implementation. Many people to whom a clean city is important, join the numbers of its allies, including considerable number of young people, attracted by interesting forms of ecological education. Supported within the frame of the said Program are many individual ventures, resulting in ecological effect for the city and thus making Słupsk one of Poland's most clean cities. Permanently supported with funds are activities from the area of education and change of heating systems applied by people; this impacts significantly upon the improvement of general living conditions. The above is encouraged by well-organized co-operation with educational bodies, enterprises and associations dedicated to ecology. Our municipal bodies like the Municipal Management Enterprise, or the Słupsk Water Mains run and manage highly-specialized objects corresponding to strict EU standards. As well, our waste disposal area at Bierkowo, as the waste water purification plant, whose "hardware" belongs to most modern such plants in the country, guarantee the complete collection and recycling of waste and composting of post-waste sediments. Connected with the extension of the said purification plant is a great ecological task, implemented with European support between 2005-11, and called „Water and waste water management program within the environs of Słupsk". The latter improved the condition of natural environment, purity of waters and of soil in the whole region, and adapted the water/ and liquidation of ineffective boiler plants may serve as examples. Two more examples may be the so-called bio-gas utilization and continuous modernization of the above-mentioned waste disposal area at Bierkowo. Also the number of gas-driven buses, cruising on the streets of Słupsk increases. and purification of rain water are presented to other local government bodies as exemplary. This is certainly not the last we have to say in the field of ecology in broad sense. We shall continue our efforts in making Słupsk a fine, green and clean City friendly to its own people and to guests. Wydział Gospodarki Komunalnej, Mieszkaniowej i Ochrony Środowiska Urząd Miejski, Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, Plac Zwycięstwa 3 teł. +48 59 848 83 18, e-mail: wgkmios(a)um.slupsk.pl, www.slupsk.pl 2012 Leading the way in protection of environment The Municipal Works Co. Ltd., managed by their President, Mr. Andrzej Gazicki, set new standards in the municipal management of the City. Activities of the Company have completely changed their image into that of a modern, quickly-responding and reacting enterprise with a high grade of esteem to their own tradition. The enterprise, known as 'PGK' of Słupsk, rank among best enterprises working in the area of environmental protection. I/a they have created the Comprehensive Waste Management Program, and effectively support ecological activities of advantage to the City. As well, the Company have a long tradition in organizing ecological contests for both kids and teenagers, and promoting pro-ecological attitudes of local people. The enterprise, looking back to 50-years-long tradition, employ at present ca. 300 people and are associated with specialized equipment and comprehensive services to clients. They serve enterprises and households both in the city are effectively implementing their comprehensive waste management program, built around the countrywide-exemplary Waste Utilization Plant, for 30 years now having Searching for money, necessary for i/a the said modernization of waste collection plant, the Company started applying for funds from the purse of the EU. Innovative activities of the Company result in approval and praise in many local communities. Within the frame of far-reaching activities, the 'PGK' started co-operation with leading domestic and foreign enterprises of their sort, i/a those from Sweden and Canada, in the field of using innovative solutions in municipal management area. These are to further improve the conditions of work at the landfill in Bierkowo, thus contributing to better quality of environment in the whole region. and country, standing for a guarantee of aesthetic quality of Słupsk and of many other localities in ten Municipalities and three Counties of the region. The area of their responsibility is one of most beautiful coastal regions of Poland, inhabited by ca. 180,000 of people. The activities of the company, mainly focusing on selective collection of waste, contributed to achieving high quality of environment, compliant to ecological policy of the State and standards valid within the EU. The Company have created and been located at Bierkowo. The said plant is equippped with modern 'hardware' and technologies to manage and utilize the waste as well, as bio-gas winning/recycling system, supplying the energy fully covering the demand of the whole plant. The continuous extension and modernization of the plant at Bierkowo inspire the experienced staff of the 'PGK' to search for new solutions in selective collection, sorting and recycling of waste. One of innovations, started by the staff encouraged by their Boss, was the oxygen-free waste processing. In line with the environment 'Today, you cannot be just good, you have to be simply the best, and systematically care for extension and for quality of services you offer -says Mr. Gazicki, the President of the PGK-Company, who has just brought his enterprise to a peak of prosperity first seen in their whole, half-a-century-long history At the same time the image of the enterprise had profited immensely, showing to the public eye a worthy and reliable partner, not only by effective use of modern presentation and communication channels, like i/a new and perfectly-maintained website www.pgkslupsk.pl, participation in scientific conferences, collaboration at publications, a film in 3 language versions, but also widespread social/charitable activities and sponsoring. As an example of non-conventional marketing activities may serve the collaboration of the Enterprise at preparing of theatrical presentation of the children's piece "Two Dwarfs and one End of the World", thus subtly passing ecological contents to the young audience. Says Mr. President, "We are searching continuously for new solutions, i/a through contacts and exchange of experience with similar enterprises. At our work, we use proven methods, developed by Polish, Canadian or Swedish companies, implement last words of technology and search for interesting and environment-friendly solutions to expand, but always to remain in line with the Environment". 9 X f 4 xi t Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej Sp. z o.o. Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Szczecińska 112 tel. +48 59 843 40 22, fax +48 59 841 71 49 e-mail: sekretariat(S)pgkslupsk.pl www.pgkslupsk.pl 8 Das Hotel,,WODNIK"liegt im reizvollenToursimus- und Erholungsbereich der Stadt unmittelbar am Strand, umgeben vom Waldgebiet unweit von den Seen Łebsko und Sarbsko. Es bildet einen günstigen Ausgangspunkt für Besichtigung Łeba, des Słowiński Nationalparks und der malerischen Umgebung. Das Hotel verfügt über 229 Betten in Einzelzimmer und Doppelbett-Suites, sowie Doppelbettzimmern mit Beistellbett, die alle über ein Bad verfügen. Alle Zimmer sind mit Telefon, Fernseher, Radio und Kühlschrank ausgestattet. Weiterhin, stehen den Gästen Restauränt, Cafe, Billardclub mit Bar, Bankettsaal und komplett ausgerüsteterTagungsraum, Sauna mit Becken, Friseursalon, ein Schönheitssalon, Massageraum, Solarium, bewachter Parkplatz, Garagen, Standzubehörverleih und Kinderspielplatz zur Verfügung. Das Hotel bietet das ganze Jahr hindurch Autenthalte an, u. a. zu Weihnachten und Neujahr mit einem Silvesterball sowie während der Ostertage. Es können auch Konferenzen, Schulungen, Kongresse, Empfänge zu verschiedenen Anlassen, sowie Ausflüge, Tanzabende, Lagerfeuer und Kinderballe veranstaltet werden. The „WODNIK"-Hotel is located in beautiful tourism and relax area within forests close to the Łebsko and Sarbsko lakes. It is a comfortable base for tours to the Town of Łeba, the Słowiński National Park and the picturesque environs. The Hotel offers 229 beds in single, double +1 and double suites, all equipped with bath, toilet phone, TV set, radio and refrigerator. Furthermore, the guests have a restaurant, cafe, biliard club with bar, banqueting hall fully-equipped conference room, sauna with pool, hairdresser, beauty parlor, massage, solarium, parking, garages and a playground for children. The Hotel works all year round, offering i. a. stays for Christmas and New Year's Eve with balls as well as stays for Easter. The Hotel invites too to conferences, training courses, congresses, various receptions with dancing, barbecues etc.. Hotel WODNIK Polska, 84-360 Łeba, ul. Nadmorska 10 tel. +48 59 866 13 66, fax +48 59 866 15 42 wodnik@wodnik.leba.pl www.wodnik.leba.pl 2012 Targowy 9 — Reizvolle Erholung in Ustka Das Reha- und Erholungs- Unser Haus besitzt einen eigenen Zentrum „Włókniarz" Behandlungsstützpunkt, der mit ist ein dreistöckiges Ge- speziellen technischen Rehabilitati-bäude mit Aufzug am höchsten onsmitteln ausgestattet ist. Wir bePunkt der Steilküste in einem schäftigen hochqualifiziertes Permalerischen Teil des Ferien- und sonal und garantieren eine fachlich Erholungsviertels von Ustka (dt. einwandfreie Betreuung und Stolpmünde) unweit des Stadtzen- umfassende Beratung im Bereich trums. Es liegt inmitten von Kie- Rehabilitation sowie eine kosten-fernwald mit bezaubernden Pfaden lose ärztliche Untersuchung und für romantische Spaziergänge und Beratung. Während Ihres Aufent-einem bequemen Abstieg zu dem halts organisieren wir Tanzabende, breiten Sandstrand. Das ganz be- Busausflüge, Schiffsfahrten auf der sondere Stolpmünder Mikroklima Ostsee, Spaziergänge durch Ustka wirkt wohltuend auf die Atemwege und die Umgebung und gesellige und das Herz-Kreislauf-System. Grillabende. ORW WŁÓKNIARZ OŚRODEK REHABILITACYJNO-WYPOCZYNKOWY „WŁÓKNIARZ" Polska, 76-270 Ustka, ul. Wczasowa 15 Tel. +48 59 814 44 24, +48 59 814 70 69 www.wlokniarz.ta.plwww.wlokniarz.afr.pl e-mail: wlokniarz(®ta.pl Wir bieten: • komfortable Einzel-, Dop-pel- und Dreibettzimmer mit Bad/Dusche/WC, Balkon, TV und Telefon, • exzellente gastronomische Versorgung mit Speisesaal und einer ausgezeichneten und reichhaltigen Küche, • Für die Gäste gibt es ein Cafe mit Kaminzimmer und Billardtisch, • Möglichkeit der Inanspruchnahme von Heilbehandlungen (Massagen, Wassermassagen, Lasertherapie, Kältetherapie, Phototherapie, Inhalationen, Ultraschall, Magnetfeldtherapie und Bewegungstherapie), • Den Gästen steht ein Grillplatz zur Verfügung, • Unser Haus ist umzäunt und hat einen eigenen Parkplatz. Ośrodek Szkoleniowo-Wypoczynkowy "Leśnik" Polska, 76-270 Ustka, Orzechowo Morskie tel. +48 59 814 46 35 e-mail: oszw.orzechowo(a)szczecinek.lasy.gov.pl www.orzechowo-morskie.com.pl Nadleśnictwo Ustka Polska, 76-270 Ustka, ul. Słupska 25 tel. +48 59 814 40 00, tel./fax +48 59 814 40 09 e-mail: ustka(a)szczecinek.lasy.gov.pl Targowy In the seaside forests around Ustka Relax in the „Leśnik"-resort Within the area managed by the Forestry Commission Ustka operates the Training and Recreation Centre "Forester" located in a seaside resort of Orzechowo Morskie. The Centre lies 6 km from the town of Ustka in the beech forest just 150 m from the sea. Accommodation consists of 3 buildings for up to 110 guests with single rooms, double rooms and 3 person rooms with bathrooms and additionally 50 beds in holiday cottages which can accommodate 3 or 4 persons each. Out of summer season the Centre organizes trainings and occasional events as well as "green-school" stays for pupils and students from all over Poland. Two conference rooms and a computer room with 17 computers are made available, too. Rooms are air-con-ditioned and equipped with multimedia projection devices. The Centres area is fenced and has its own secure monitored car parking. The guests can use sports and recreational facilities situated on its premises: a tennis court, recreational space with a possibility for making a barbecue or building a bonfire, a playground for children, a bicycle rental point, a coffee house, an amusement arcade, a gymnasium and a sauna. A stud is located 2 km from the Centre. A viewing tower is situated near the Centre, as well as the "nature and forest educational area". A didactic forest track called "The sand dune of Orzechowo" can be found not far from the Centre, too. The 'Baltic' Military Hunting Club, which is one of the oldest and largest hunting clubs in Polish Middle Pomerania, has been actively operating in Ustka for over 60 years. The club has over 100 members and has been managed by its Head Janusz Grzybowski and an experienced hunter Stanisław Granda for several terms. The club's priority is game breeding, wildlife protection and education activities rather than just hunting. The hunters 'breed' animals in the area of nearly 20 thousand hectares by improving their natural food base, preventing excessive damage to crops and ensuring food in difficult conditions. Particularly the recent, hard winters hale caused, that the hunters started helping the game, feeding it in the most difficult period. Another priority among the club's activities is combating pests, poaching and snaring. This involves raising awareness among the local population and teaching young people in schools. Meetings in schools, camp-fires, talks, joint game breeding and wildlife/hunting competitions all show to young Hunters offer hunting people and the local population what modern hunting is about. Any hunting sessions in the 'Baltic' Hunting Club are always friendly occasions organised in the required formula and based on the hunting ethics and traditions. We organise festive oath-taking for young hunters, initiation events after the first successful hunting and hunter promotions. Such an educational approach and reason- able management of the leased areas will enable also the next generations to appreciate the unique beauty and richness of Ustka's wildlife as it is appreciated now by many hunters from Poland and abroad who come to visit the 'Baltic' Club's resources. We invite hunters from many countries to co-operate and Exchange experience. Good Hunting! Wojskowe Koło Łowieckie Nr 241 „BAŁTYK" Polska, 76-271 Ustka, Osiedle Lędowo IN e-mail: marb or (a) op.pl Municipality of Smołdzino - The Baltic Sea For Insiders The Municipality of Smołdzino is located in the north-western part of the Pomeranian Voivodship, in the county of Słupsk. It is situated on the Gardneńsko-Łebska Lowland, with the Rowokół Mountain (115 m above the sea level) as the highest hill. The Municipality is administratively divided into 16 smaller units, called "Sołectwo", grouping 19 localities. The main locality of the Municipality, and the site of the authorities, is Smołdzino, located on the Łupawa river, 30 km away from Słupsk and 6 km from the sea. The Municipality of Smołdzino is unique through its nature. Its 26 km long section of the Baltic coast is one of Poland's most beautiful coasts. The northern part of the Municipality (more than 65% of its total area) is occupied by the Słowiński National Park and the Nature-2000 Protected Area. Natural highlights of its landscape are beautiful lakes: Gardno, Łebsko, Dołgie Duże, Dołgie Małe and rivers: Łupawa, Pustynka and Brodniczka. GMINA SMOŁDZINO The Municipality of Smołdzino offers four sorts of relax and recuperation: 1. Biking to the sea - the bicycle is a privileged vehicle in the Municipality of Smołdzino, only one to carry you to the strand. The sea shore in the Municipality is part of the Słowiński National Park and not accessible to cars, so the cars must be left on a parking far away from it. 2. Searching for the local culture - the land is that of the former population called in Polish „Słowińcy". We still can see, how they lived, experience the rhythm of their day and year, their handicraft techniques, their houses and beliefs. 3. Active holidays - the area of the Municipality is marked by different sorts of landscape, so it offers conitions for many forms of qualified tourism and is ideal for those preferring active relaxation. There are all sorts of landscape here - lakes, rivers, forests, strands and hills. Some of many sports, we can enjoy here are - sailing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, canoeing or nordic walking. 4. Birds' Paradise - this particular offer has been created for tourists who are sensitive to nature and ecology. The infrastructure, professionally prepared by the Staff of the National Park, encourages observation of birds without any interference with their natural environment. The tourists have at their disposal viewing towers and platforms, bridges and specially-developed nature paths. Urząd Gminy (Municipality Office) POLSKA, Smołdzino, 76-214 Smołdzino ul. Kościuszki 3 Phone: +48 59 811 72 15, Fax: +48 59 811 74 60 www.smoldzino.com.pl sekretariat(®smoldzino.com.pl POR SALE OR RENT: an^attractive object for production or business activity Production - storage building plus the building contains offices production - storage building plus the building contains offices; built in 2006 the complex is 26561 square metres in area developed plot of land: production-storage part: 3668 m2 offices part: 430 m2 building is adapted to every kind of production ąecKtorage the production plant works in accordance with the approved ue standards and HACCP quality system building contains production halls, storage halls, refrigerated plants, freezers, ramps for freight reloading part for employees a lot of space for maneuver (hard surface), parking lot, media very good location near to the route GDANSJśip^SZCZECIN ШШ, MORENA Sp. Jawna, Polska, 76-100 Sławno, ul. Koszalińska 54 tel. +48 59 810 66 14, +48 91 462 38 28, mobil: +48 502 066 767, fax +48 59 810 79 70 e-mail: morenasc(2)wp.pl, frosal(a)onet.pl Alles über Metallbearbeitung All about metalworking The Professional Skills Development Workshop (ZDZ) in Słupsk is a well-known manufacturer of metalworking machines with a long-standing tradition. It produces magnetic and paper filters of various efficiency for industrial appliances, screwing machines, airless shot blasting machines for metal parts, sheet rolling machines, welding benches and specialist devices for shipbuilding industry. The company possesses a large stock of machines, which gives it a wide range of technological possibilities to carry out a final production stage, cooperation and services regarding machining, general fitting and locksmithing, welding, processing of thin sheets and sheetmetal cold working, patterns and cast iron and cast aluminium products. ZDZ in Słupsk ist schon seit Jahren als Metallbearbeitung Maschinen Produzent bekannt. Die Firma produziert: Magnet und Fliessfilter mit verschiedener Leistung für Industriegerate, Gewindeschneidemaschinen, Schweißtische, Spezial Zubehör fur die Schiffbau Industrie und Aschenfanger Systeme für die Energetik. Die Firma verfugt über einen großen Maschinenpark, was eregibt breite Technologische Möglichkeiten zu Endproduktion, Kooperation und Dienstleistungen im Zerspanen Schlosserarbeiten, Schweißarbeiten, Dunn-blechbearbeitung und kalt Stanzen, Modellbau und Gusserzeugnisse aus Grauguss und Aluminium. Tisch Schweiß SS-1 Der Schweißtisch Typ SS-1 mit einem Abluftventilator ist für all Schweißarbeiten bestimmt. Die Konstruktion des Tisches ermöglicht auch andere Arbeiten wie z b Kleben, Lutten wo Gase entstehen, auf ihm durchzufuhren. Die Tische werden in Mehres Versionen und anderen produziert. Warmekisteblocks Der Warmekisteblock Typ Sco-4a ist für Montage in Maschinenräumen von Seeschiffen mit unbegrenztem schwimm Region geeignet, als Ausgleichbehalter in dem Kondensat und Wasserspeis System für Hilfskessel. Filteraggregat Komplet ausgerüsteter Aggregat ist zum filtern der Emulsionen und anderen Bearbeitungs - Flüssigkeiten von magnetischen und nicht magnetischen Verschmutzungen geeignet. Die Ausrüstung des Aggregats das heißt: Art und Menge der montierten Filter, Verteilung, art der Angewendeten Druckpumpen für die gefilterte Flüssigkeit, Rauminhalt und die Ausmaße des Hauptbehalters und andere Technische Parameter, können individuell angepasst werden auf Wunsch des Nutzers. SŁUPSK Zakład Doskonalenia Zawodowego Polska,76-200 Słupsk, ul. Szczecińska 57 tel. +48 59 845 27 27, tel. +48 59 845 29 28, fax +48 59 845 37 Magnetfilter mit Vliesfilter FMA 1B Magnetfilter Typ FMA 1B wird zu befreien verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten und Kuhlflus-sigkeit von magnetischen und anderen Verschmutzungen bei Temperatur bis 70 Grat Celsius und Viskosität 30 Cst. Wir modernisieren Heizkraftwerke ZDZ in Słupsk ist seit Jahren mit Modernisierung der Aschenfangersysteme in kleinen und mittelgroßen Heizkraftwerken beschäftigt. Dazu dingen die in ZDZ produzierte Drehventile und Ausblas-Apparate. Die Gerate arbeiten mit sehr gutem Erfolg in mehreren Kraft und Heizkraftwerken in unserem Land, letztens hat das Heizwerk in Słupsk die Erzeugnisse von ZDZ bei der Modernisiereng der Aschenfanger in die Zyklongruppe eingebaut. e-mail: zdz@zdz.slupsk.pl www.zdz.slupsk.pl 2012 13 0-aAtńof м, ooe^utac^lc/^ Der Gasthof „u Bernackich" ist ein Erholungs- und Feri- Meeressaal für Hochzeiten), zwei überdachte Grillplätze und enobjekt im Zentrum von Smołdzino (dt. Schmolsin) Gerät für Tagungen und Konferenzen zur Verfügung. mit einem vornehmen Restaurant, das für seine aus- Seit über 10 Jahren arbeiten wir mit der Warschauer Akade-gezeichnete Küche bekannt ist. In den rustikalen eingerichte- mie der Schönen Künste zusammen und jedes Jahr werden auf ten Räumen des Restaurants, der Galerie und im Außenbereich dem Gelände des Gasthofes studentische Diplomarbeiten umservieren wir vorzügliche regionale und altpolnische Gerichte, gesetzt. Die Innenräume der Pensionen, der Meeressaal und die Seit einigen Jahren beherbergen wir auch Yoga-Lager. Wir be- Säle des Restaurants zieren Arbeiten mehrerer Generationen mühen uns, stets den Wünschen unserer Gäste entgegenzu- von Künstlern (Die Wände des Restaurants schmücken Fres-kommen und haben so die Speisekarte um vegetarische Ge- ken mit religiöser und altslawischer Thematik und im Meeresrichte erweitert. saal sind wunderschöne Wandmalereien zu bewundern). Der Landgasthof bietet 40 Doppel,- Dreibett- und Vierbett- Wir treten auch als Förderer anderer Künstlervereinigungen zimmer mit Bad (in zwei Pensionen). Die Zimmer sind elegant auf (so finden hier u.a. die berühmten Pleinairs von Künstlern und stilgerecht eingerichtet, fast jedes Zimmer ist anders. Fami- aus Łódź statt). In unserem Gasthof werden auch Bildhauer- lien können Suiten und Familienzimmer buchen. Pleinairs und Skulptur-Workshops veranstaltet, in deren Rah- Wir übernehmen die Bewirtung von Reisegruppen und men wir heimische Künstler und Kunstschaffende aus dem Trainingslagern und betreuen auch Tagungen und festlichen Ausland beherbergen. Veranstaltungen. Den Gästen stehen drei Säle (darunter der Sie sind herzlich eingeladen! Gościniec „U Bernackich" Polska, 76-214 Smołdzino, ul. Boh. Warszawy 26 tel./fax+48 59 811 73 64 biuro(a)ubernackich.pl www.ubernackich.pl 14 Economy of Słupsk waits for staff The absence of trade schools, given up several years ago in favour of so-called 'dedicated' high schools, caused the lack of qualified staff at many of local industrial plants and enterprises. The Słupsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Region of Słupsk, and other organizations of employers, see the need of come back to trade education of young people at all levels. The Chamber have many times reminded the local government and educational bodies of the Municipality and County of Słupsk of existing deficiencies of education in many trades, including building workers, engine/machinery operators, installation fitters and maintenance specialists for many devices. The Chamber have collected complete data to that effect on the basis of questionnaires among their member enterprises, and prepared corresponding reports. The above-mentioned reports reveal, that the problem of lack of technically-qualified workers is continuously deepening, which can lead to disturbances in development of many branches of industry. Connected with it is also the lack of specialized staff, prepared to organize and supervise the work on production positions. This means, that the enterprises are suffering under lack of specialists with academic education in trade, capable of managing the teams of workers. The expansion of Słupsk and of the whole sub-region will be tightly connected with the further I ^4 MIESIĘCZNIK lARGQWY Wydawca i redakcja: Słupska Agencja Wydawnicza 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Kołłątaja 15 tel./fax59 841 35 66 e-mail: targowy(2)interia.pl Opracowanie graficzne, druk: SZAREK Wydawnictwo Reklama 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Grottgera 19 tel./fax 59 842 84 35 e-mail: szarek(a)szarek.infb.pl www.szarek.info.pl Nakład: 2 500 egzemplarzy Kolportaż: Podczas targów i imprez promocyjnych odbywających się w Słupsku, regionie i w kraju - zespół redakcyjny. Kolportaż do firm i instytucji publicznych - Poczta Polska. Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń i reklam. Przedruki za zgodą wydawcy. The Chamber Invite To Co-Operation The Słupsk Chamber of Industry and Commerce work in favour of support to economic development of the Region of Słupsk and all the enterprises and entrepreneurs on the integrated market of the European Union. They represent the causes of all the member enterprise in the range of their economic activity, i/a through active co-operation with the authorities of the City of Słupsk, the Office of the County of Słupsk and Municipalities of the Słupsk Region, as well, as with important bodies of local economic and scientific life. The Chamber organize and co-oprganize event promoting local business, like the yearly Słupsk Days of Economy, initiated by the Chamber and organized in co-op-eration with the Municipal Office of Słupsk. The Chamber offer their member enterprises a wide range of free services and forms of support, including i/a: • Searching trade and co-operation offers from specific branch, • Dissmenination of co-operation offers of the member enterprises, • Organization of economic missions and participation in fairs and exhibitions. щ тр \ ЩЩ The Słupsk Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Region of Słupsk Poland, 76-200 Słupsk, Al. Sienkiewicza 19, phone +48 59 842 50 98, fax +48 59 842 68 97 www.siph.slupsk.pl email: biuro(o)siph.slupsk.pl UnlCOntFOllO expansion of the local Special of technicians and a technical trade the basis of the Higher Hanseatic Economic Zone, which itself is academy may weaken the strength School of Management in Słupsk, expanding by new lands and new of the offer of local business and the has been submitted to the Ministry enterprises located on them. Each attractivity of the sub-region for po- of Science and Academic Educa-one of those new enterprises com- tentialincominginvestors.lt is rather tion by the Parliament of the Poing to the Zone means a success not possible to imagine a further in- morskie Voivodship. of their managers, Messrs. Po- tensive expansion of enterprises and The Trade Academies run by meranian Regional Development of well-organized economy without the State have been in existence in Agency S. A. New job positions proper filling of the educational gap Poland for 14 years. There are 36 are set up and new co-operation by a well-organized educational sys- such schools now, set up, according to plans, in the cities which lost the status of Voivodship capitals in 1999. Behind the idea of their setting up stood usually movement of local government bodies, local scientific, cultural and business organizations. The students of those schools are mainly not wealthy nor likely to study at renowned private academies or academic centres far away from their home towns. That's the reason, why these schools are often the only opportunity for the youths to gain education at academic level. The economy based upon the knowledge is a challenge not only to entrepreneurs but above all to bodies responsible for educational poli-opportunities emerge for local en- tem. Defined for the purpose should cy, so all the actions taken in favour trepreneurs from Słupsk. That far, be the strategic directions of activity of the extension of trade education Messrs. PRDA S. A. have long ago in the area of returnig to wider edu- are to be seen as an asset showing spotted the problem of the lack of cation at the medium level, includ- a "progressive rate of return", educated staff, for whom are ask- ing actions to be taken for setting up It is for sure that in Słupsk ing too the enterprises about to a trade academy. a Trade Academy run by the State start investing in the Słupsk Zone. The appropriate application, and there are prospects for the city The presented, perforce super- calling for the establishing of that they shall manage the prob-ficial analysis reveals that the lacks a State-run Trade Academy on lem to advantage. Energa hydro Historic water power plants in the northern part of Poland The vaSt Polish Pomerania delights with its beautiful Nature. "ITiere are many hills covered by forests with Rowing rivers and streams, deep valleys, old beds of rivers, gorges and picturesque lakes. In this landscape, mysterious and charming, there are old buildings of water power plants. These, located along the Radunia, Wierzyca, Wieprza, Słupa, Łupawa, Łyna and Pasłęka rivers, offer natural opportunities for tourists to exploration by foot, by bicycle or by canoe. Enthusiastic wanderers come here each year to experience the excellent nature, surrounding the plants, and their history. He who has once seen these areas, will come back here... The perfect hoSt of the plants are Meßrs. ENERGA Hydro Sp. z o.o. (Co. Ltd.), Poland's blggeSt enterprise running water power plants. The company are running at present 45 small water power Stations, consolidated in 2010/11 into one enterprise. MoSt of the plants are located In the area of three Volvodshlps In the northern part of Poland. The enterprise is rounded up by the Żydowo Power Stadion, the Water Power Plant In Włocławek and the Oława II Power Station on the Odra river. The Energa Company combine the knowledge, experience and competence of beSt specialists in water energy production area. Their work is based upon traditional way of electric energy production with use of water turbines. As well, the Company concentrate their work on waSte and pollution management as well as anti-flood protection. The activities of the Company have their positive impact upon The natural environment. All the water plants harmoniously co-exiSt with the Nature. They protect as well the area agalnSt floods and contribute to restitution of Spots in which The Nature had been degraded. The plants keep the proper level of ground waters, thus ensuring proper feeding of adjacent meadows and foreSts with water. A unique ecosyStem formed itself around the plants, distinguished by unique flora and sites of many Species of water birds and mammals and many Species offish. The sustained activity of the Company constitutes one of important policy tools of the State in the fields of ecology and climate, contributing to reduction of pollutions produced by conventional energy production Industry and to protection of mineral fuel deposits. Meßrs. Energa Hydro have won many distinctions and prizes for their achievements and contribution to pure energy and maintenance of natural highlights of the whole region. Thanks to Strenuous work of the Company all their water power plants are wholly Intact and safe. They constitute the continent's only trail of old and Still working water power plants visited and admired by crowds of domestic and International tourists and fans dedicated to the water power plant technique. Another „trump card" are also educational activities conducted for the youths in the premises of the plants, including meetings, lectures and numerous photo galleries like those In Bielkowo, Straszyn, Gałąźnla Mała or Blesowice plants. On exhibition are many examples of old water technical devices, collected, carefully maintained and shown to visitors. In 2010 Meßrs. ENERGA Hydro Sp. z o.o. were distinguished with prestigious prize „Gazela-Biznesu" (Gazelle of Busineß) for their exceptional efforts In keeping old and excellent water power plants. As well they have found a well-deserved place In the "Forbes Diamonds" 2011 report. The biggeSt succeß of the Company Is the second place among 142 enterprises with income in exceß of PLN 250 million. With their exceptional work, Meßrs. ENERGA Hydro have contributed to a trade mark product emerging from combination of beautiful Nature and old technique and being juSt cause of pride for the Inhabitants of the whole Pomerania. & Energa ENERGA HYDRO Sp. 2 0.0. POLSKA, 83-010 Straszyn, ul. Hoffmanna 5 tel.+ 48 58 692 18 00 Addreß for correspondence: POLSKA 83-000 Pruszcz Gdański, ul. Grunwaldzka 42 A tel. + 48 58 692 18 02, fax + 48 58 692 18 80 POLTAREX polskie drewno European Quality Polish Timber Offer We produce a wide range of timber products and semi-products. Our main product groups are: 1. Coniferous timber for general use: - Unedged and edged timber - Boards, Planks - Squared timber - Beams 2. Building timber: - Rafter framing - Structural timber - Planed floor boards 3. Garden products: - Boards, squared timber, battens, 4 sides planed, grooved, impregnated - Wooden fencing - Pick-nick tables - Decking - Pergolas - Carports Other products according to customer requirements. Certification: FSC, KOMO, ISO 9001:2008, С € PPD „POLTAREX" Sp. z o.o. POLSKA, 84-300 Lębork, ul. Żeromskiego 9/10 tel.: +48 59 862 24 49, +48 59 862 24 30 WWW.poltareX.pl fax: +48 59 863 33 72 e-mail: sekretariat@poltarex.pl polskie drewno Angebot In unseren Sägewerken produzieren wir ein breites Sortiment von Holzprodukten und - halbfabrikaten. Alle Aufträge erledigen wir termingerecht gemäß der Vereinbarungen mit dem Auftragsgeber. Unsere hauptsächlichen Produktengrupppen sind: 1. Nadelschnittholz allgemeiner Verwendung: - Unbesäumt und besäumt - Bretter, Bohlen - Kantholz - Balken 2. Bauschnittholz: - Dachbinder - Konstruktionselemente - Gehobelte Fußbodenbretter 3. Gartenprogramm: - Bretter, Kantholz, Latten, 4 - seitig gehobelt, geriffelt, imprägniert - Staketenzäune - Picknicktische - Holzfliesen - Pergolen - Garagenklebedächer - Carports Sonstige Produkten gemäß dem individuellen Kundenauftrag. Zertifikat: FSC, KOMO, ISO 9001:2008, C€ POLTAREX