жШ1 И® U \ 'k' V / :V nr 2 SŁUPSK SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE Słupsk Special Economic Zone Consider new investments? - Invest in here! We offer: Contact: • Attractive investment lands 7he Pomeranian Regional Development Agency • Income tax exemption (up to 60%) The Administrator of the Słupsk Special Economic Zone • Real estate tax exemption POLAND, 76-200 Słupsk, Obroncow Wybrzeza 2 Str. • Administrator's assistance during an investment process Te!- (+48) 59 841 28 92 / Fax- (+48) 59 841 32 61 • Business-friendly atmosphere web: ww^se.slupsk.pl e-mail: office@parr.slupsk.pl We offer more than 135 hectares of investment land! We are also at the stage of building the Siupsk Techno- offices spaces, laboratory spaces, auditorium and warehouse spaces for rent since 2012! Investor Services Department invites you to co-operation! Contact us in order to receive a detailed offer! [Ш0Ш\ Das Hotel „WODNIK" Liege im bezauberndsten Teil von Leba in einem Tourismus und Erholung gewidmeten Bereich der Stadt, der unmittelbar am Strand von einem Waldgebiet umgeben wird und sich unweit der Seen Jezioro Łebsko und Jezioro Sarbsko befindet. Es bildet einen günstigen Ausgangspunkt für eine Besichtigung der Stadt Leba, des Slowinzischen Nationalparks und der malerischen Umgebung. Das Hotel verfügt über 229 Betten in Appartements für zwei Personen und Einbettzimmern, Zweibettzimmern sowie Zweibettzimmern mit Beistellbett, die jeweils über ein Bad verfugen. Alle Zimmer sind mit Telefon, Fernseher, Radio und Kühlschrank ausgestattet. Gasten stehen ein Restaurant, ein Cafe, ein Billardclub mit Bar, ein Bankettsaal und Konferenzsäle mit Beschallungsanlage und audiovisuellen Geräten, eine Sauna mit Becken, ein Friseursalon, ein Kosmetiksalon, ein Massageraum, ein Solarium, das Schönheits - und Gesundheitszentrum des Hotels Wodnik, ein bewachter Parkplatz, Garagen, ein Standzubehörverleih und ein Kinderspielplatz zur Verfügung. Das Hotel bietet das ganze Jahr über Autenthalte an, auch zu Weihnachten und Neujahr mit einem Silvesterball sowie wahrend der Os-tertage. Veranstaltet warden kön- nen Konferenzen, Schulungen und Kongresse, Empfänge zu verschiedenen Anlässen, Ausflüge, Tanzabende, Lagerfeuer und Kinderbälle. Hotel WODNIK Polska, 84-360 Łeba, ul. Nadmorska 10 tel. +48 59 866 13 66, fax +48 59 866 15 42 wodnik@wodnik.leba.pl, www.wodnik.leba.pl Ае&г 2011- Targowy Invitation to Słupsk Słupsk makes continuous investments in its own development, making the town more and more popular and attractive to the residents, investors and tourists. The town's growing attractiveness is an encouragement to foreign investors who can launch their investment projects both in the town and in the Słupsk Special Economic Zone. Over a dozen thousand companies run their business in Słupsk with the prevailing sectors being shoe manufacture, synthetic fibre processing, bus production, fish processing and production of windows. They form a large, continuously growing potential. To aid this growth, there is an extensive technical infrastructure and state-of-the-art sports, leisure and cultural facilities currently under construction. We also continue to develop tourist and leisure opportunities as many tourists like to visit our historic town, the sea nearby and the wildlife of Kashubia and the Słowiński National Park. I hope you will appreciate our town's hospitality. Maciej Kobyliński Mayor of the Town of Słupsk Wydawca i redakcja: Słupska Agencja Wydawnicza 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Kołłątaja 15 tel./fax 59 841 35 66 e-mail: targowy(®interia.pl Opracowanie graficzne, druk: SZAREK Wydawnictwo Reklama 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Kołłątaja 15 tel./fax 59 846 85 40 e-mail: szarek(a)szarek.info.pl www. szarek, info.pl Nakład: 2 000 egzemplarzy Kolportaż: Podczas targów i imprez promocyjnych odbywających się w Słupsku, regionie i w kraju - zespół redakcyjny. Kolportaż do firm i instytucji publicznych - Poczta Polska. Business attractive city in the north of Poland It is worth iovostiog io Słupsk Academic and business centre The city plays an important role in the region by concentrating many institutions and service industries. Furthermore, it is a significant educational and scientific centre with many colleges including the Pomeranian University and the Hanseatic Management College. Institutions supporting economic development such as the Słupsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Słupsk Association of Economic Innovation and Entrepreneurship are also active here. Incentives for investors The status of Słupsk is defined by companies located there that are able to offer to potential investors technical support and utilities necessary to run any business. The city offers attractive tax and capital allowances to potential investors as well as extensive support to any company wishing to invest here. Converging point for many companies and industries About 14,000 business entities, which represent various industries, are registered in Slupsk. Many of them have a long tradition of production of well-known and highly-valued goods finding buyers in Poland and abroad. BAJCAR - production of windows and doors, gino rossi S.A. - shoe production, Scania Production Słupsk S.A. -production of buses, KAPENA S.A. - bus production and repairs, Przetwórstwo Rybne „Łosoś" - production of tinned fish, M&S Sp. z o.o. - production of door and window joinery, PLAST-BOX S.A. - plastics processing, STAKO S.J. - production of gas pressure vessels, AUTO-HAK S.J. - production of tow hooks, SAFO Sp. z o.o. - production of woodworking machines. ^ 4 Incentives for investors The status of Słupsk is defined by companies located there that are able to offer to potential investors technical support and utilities necessary to run any business. The open-air ethnographic museum with old regional buildings - and The European eldest water-power plants tourist trail add charm to the countryside around Slupsk. Biuro Promocji i Integracji Europejskiej ^ , , , , , ® ' , , e-mail: promocia(a)um.slupsk.pl Urząd Miejski^ Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, Plac Zwycięstwa 3 1 к 1 tel./fax+48 59 848 8441 www.s ups .p Interesting touristic offer Slupsk lies in the middle of a very attractive touristic region with numerous holiday resorts. Some of the most popular Polish sea resorts Ustka and Leba are located here. The region's most valuable touristic asset is its beautiful sea coast and numerous lakes surrounded by woods and the Słowiński National Park with its moving dunes, a rarity on a world's scale. The landscape park of the "River Slupia Valley" and touristic brand products as the "Chequered-Pattern-Land" ("Kraina w Kratę") - the city offers attractive tax and capital allowances to potential investors as well as extensive support to any company wishing to invest here. Cultural attractions The world class Polish Pianist Festival has been held in Slupsk for 40 years. The artists are ac- and in Europe - is the 35-year-old amateur theatre "Rondo" and the New Theatre. Effective promotion The city of Slupsk efficiently uses many of its advantages for self-promotion through the dedicated body called the Office of Promotion and European Integration at the City Hall. As a result the ka and political and cultural potential of Slupsk to form a unique urban area which may offer attractive forms of economic, cultural and public cooperation. You are warmly invited to visit and invest in Slupsk! fot. archiwum UM —.—-- companied by "Sinfonia Baltica", a brilliant Philharmonic Society from Slupsk. For over 60 years a Puppet Theatre "Tecza", which is the winner of many prizes at Polish and international theatre festivals, has performed in the city. No less appreciated - both in Poland citizens of Slupsk strongly identify with their city, readily use its logo and stress their local patriotism. In the last years the concept of the "Two-City" (Slupsk-Ustka) has been developed, which is unique in the whole Europe. It connects touristic values of the town of Ust- 2011 Targowy 5 Welcome to open-armed and friendly city of Słupsk и ^ StUPSK IS IN VOGUE! new investors. Most investment areas are developed with technical media. The most important foreign investors in Słupsk are: Caccia-mali - bus production (Italian capital), Faser Plast AG - plastic Team - plastic materials processing (Danish capital), Scania - bus production (Swedish capital), E.ON edis - heat energy production (German capital). Słupsk recently has witnessed spectacular commercial boom. New shopping centres offering services and entertainment entered the market. The existing of REAL, Castorama, OBI, LEclerc, Lidl, Jeronimo Martins and NETTO were followed by even larger investments by Mayland Real Estate and Polimeni International. One of the most important investments realised by the city is Water Park Leisure, Sport and Rehabilitation Centre in Słupsk. Project will be completed in 2012. Another important investment is the Słupsk Technology Incubator, which aim is to bring research results into regional economy. Both projects are partly financed within Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Voivodeship 2007-2013. CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City Hall of Słupsk, 3 Plac Zwycięstwa 76-200 Słupsk POLAND, phone/fax +48 59 848 83 04, e-mail: wrm(a)um.slupsk.pl www.slupsk.pl Słupsk is the second largest city (after the Tricity metropolitan area) in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. It's located between Poland's main port complexes of Gdańsk-Gdynia and Szczecin -Świnoujście and 120 km from the international airport of Gdańsk. It also has a good transport system and communication network with polish - german border and the Tricity. Since 9th century Słupsk has expanded on both banks of the Slupia river. Currently, the city has nearly 100,000 citizens and covers the area of 43 km2. It performs an important role in the region as there are a lot of institutions and services. It is also a well known educational - scientific centre. Another strong asset of Słupsk is the Słupsk Special Economic Zone (SEEE) established in 1997 which offers many facilities, such as income tax concessions for materials processing (Swiss capital), Curver - plastic materials processing (Israel capital), Plast Crafts Guild in Słupsk is a self-governing economic organisation, which continues a centuries-old craft tradition of Slupsk. The Crafts Guild brings together about 200 crafts businesses from the district of Slupsk and Sławno County. The provision of services and production for the local community is the basis of their activity. The Guild members also sit on the city and municipality councils, they are actively involved in the economic and local government life of the region, they sponsor education and culture, and their daily work gives employment for thousands of people. The Guild's property, collected over many years of active work, is the achievement of many generations of craftsmen from Slupsk and Slawno. It is a proof that the craft is a good manager, able to take care of the image of its members and not indifferent to the affairs of the region, and that its activity provides a good example for all employers administering public good. Thousands of skilled journeymen and master craftsmen, who acquired their knowledge and skills in craft's businesses, and today are often the owners of the best enterprises in the region, confirm that. Last year is a good example of the Crafts Guild's successful operation as this is when "High vocational qualifications - a value you will not lose" project was launched within the European Social Fund's Human Capital Programme. The project is addressed to people employed in companies from the town and the district of Slupsk. So far 95 people have received training in the project, which will run until December this year. In May last year, craftsmen from Slawno organised a Crafts Fair as part of Slawno Days. A dozen companies associated in the Guild presented their products and services on 10 fair stands. Another event was a presentation of the Guild's stand during the 700th Anniversary of Slupsk where we promoted crafts training courses and our project supported with EU funds. Many young people took part in a historical parade organised at the monument of Bogusław X of Pomerania, wearing guild clothes and carrying the Guild's flags to promote the tradition of crafts in Slupsk. The Crafts Tradition" " . ' Cech Rzemiosł Różnych, Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Kowalska 1 Tel. +48 59 842 43 60, fax +48 59 842 46 27 e-mail: cech(3)cech.slupsk.pl, www.cech.slupsk.pl FOR SALE/RENT Attraktive Immobilie Production - storage building plus the building contains offices • production - storage building plus the building contains offices; built in 2006 • the complex is 26561 square metres in area • developed plot of land: • production-storage part: 3668 m2 • offices part: 430 m2 • building is adapted to every kind of production and storage • the production plant works in accordance with the approved ue standards and HACCP quality system • building contains production halls, storage halls, refrigerated plants, freezers, ramps for freight reloading • part for employees a lot of space for maneuver (hard surface), parking lot, media • very good location near to the route GDAŃSK - SZCZECIN VERKAUF - VERMIETUNG Produktions- und Lagerobjekt mit Bürogebäude • Das gesamte Objekt wurde 2006 in Betrieb genommen • Grundstücksfläche 26561 m2 • Bebauungsfläche: • Produktions- und Lagertrakt 3668 m2 • Bürotrakt 430 m2 • Das Objekt ist für Produktions- und Lagertätigkeiten aller Art ausgelegt • Der Betrieb ist für den EU-weiten Handel zugelassen und hat ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem mit HACCP-System implementiert • Das Objekt ist mit Produktions- und Lagerhallen, Kühlräurnen, Gefrierlagern, Verladerampen ausgestattet • Sozialtrakt für die Mitarbeiter • großer Rangierplatz, Parkplatz, Anschlussmedien • idealer Standort in verkehrsgünstiger Lage an der Strecke GDANSK-SZCZECIN 9^54 2011 Andrzej В. Gazicki, president of PGK Sp. z o.o. in Słupsk: - The main goal of our activities is the increase of quality of services rendered and strengthening the image of our company as a reliable partner with whom it is worth to identify with. In order to achieve this goal we have opened a modern Customer Service Office and are implementing state-of-the-art environmental technologies and last but not least we continuously develop the skills of our employees. In such a way we are creat- ing the new quality in the public utilities sector of our city. We are going to promote our plans in many communities and circles, in which our partners operate, but we are still looking for new partners to jointly solve ecological problems. That way a new company image is being created, of a modern, tradition-based company, which at the same time quickly and efficiently responds to the needs of the local residents. PGK' ' way in protection of tho environment and using the waste for forming escarpments and rehabilitation of the landfill. Such company's activities are met with the approval of many local communities. It is because of meetings with practical background organised at the Plant in Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej Sp. z o.o. (The Public Utilities Company) in Słupsk for many years ranks among the best companies which concentrate their activities on protection of the environment. It has created the Comprehensive Waste Management Programme and efficiently supports ecological activities which benefit both the city and the whole region. It has also a long tradition in organising ecological competitions for children and teenagers and in propagating pro-ecological attitudes among the citizens. PGK Słupsk is a modern company with nearly 50-year-tradition, about 300 employees, associated with specialist equipment and comprehensive customer service. Municipal services of PGK rendering services to companies and individual households in the city and in the countryside are the guarantee for aesthetic qualities not only for the city but for many towns and villages in 10 administrative districts and 3 counties of the region. The area covered by the PGKs activities is considered to be one of the most naturally beautiful regions of the Polish coast, inhabited by nearly 180,000 people. The Company's activities focusing mainly on selective waste collection resulted in achieving high quality standards of the environment, which are in line with the ecological policy of the state and standards binding in the European Union. The company has prepared from scratch and successfully implemented a comprehensive programme for waste management, which is based on the 30-year-old Waste Utilization Plant in Bierkowo by Słupsk, which is a textbook plant on a national scale. The plant is equipped among others with the following systems: sorting station for mixed waste, sorting station for plastics and glass, composting station, truck weighers, car wash and installation for biogas recovery, which produces energy that fully covers energy demand of the whole plant. Continuous development and modernisation of the Waste Utilization Plant in Bierkowo inspires the experienced PGK staff to look for new solutions regarding selective waste collection, sorting waste and recycling it. Recently, on the initiative of the company's president, the implementation of an innovative undertaking of oxygen- Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej Sp. z o.o. Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Szczecińska 112 e-mail: sekretariat(a)pgkslupsk.pl tel. +48 59 843 40 22, fax +48 59 841 71 49 www.pgkslupsk.pl free waste processing has begun. The waste gets biodegradated with the help of microorganisms under controlled conditions. The advantage of this method is the protection of atmosphere by capturing the biogas generated by the landfill Bierkowo for councillors from administrative districts, entrepreneurs, students and local residents. To raise money for modernisation of the landfill site and implementation of new ideas, the company prepared some new projects seeking EU-funding for their realization. As part of future oriented activities PGK has established cooperation with leading national and international companies, among others from Sweden and Canada, to use innovative solutions in the field of public utilities. They will improve working conditions at the landfill site in Bierkowo and thus will contribute to the further increase of quality of environment in the whole region. 48 Słupsk Tourists yearning for the inside one can find a commem- sun, sea and golden orative plaque for Heinrich von sand of the beaches Stephan, a citizen of Słupsk, near the seaside resort of Ustka who in 1874 as the General Di- always pass through the city of rector of German Postal Service Słupsk located on the salmon- pushed through a creation of rich Slupia River. Everyone the International Association of who stops here, even if it's just Postal Workers and invented a for a moment, is pleasantly post-card in 1877. surprised by the beautiful Art The city of Słupsk and the Nouveaux architecture of this Museum of Central Pomera- city, smothered in greenery of nia, located in the beautiful numerous squares and parks historical complex of the Castle sprinkled with flowers. Maybe of Pomeranian Dukes, can it is not a coincidence at all, that boast the world s biggest col- Slupsk was called the "Little lection of portraits painted by Paris" not so long ago, only be- Witkacy. For forty years the fore the Second World War. Polish Pianist Festival is held Słupsk creates together with in Słupsk, at which such celebri- Ustka (located just 18 km from ties as Krystian Zimmernan and Słupsk) the so-called "TwinC- Rafal Blechacz took their first ity" - a perfect place to take a steps toward a great career. The rest or have fun, and last but not pianists are accompanied by the least to invest in our Special Eco- Polish Philharmonic "Sinfo- nomic Zone. The Neo-Gothic nia Baltica", which a few years Town Hall, with the worth see- ago was nominated for Grammy ing office of the city's steward Awards for the album recorded with 12 walls and a still original together with American pianist, over 100-year-old wallpaper, Kevin Kenner. As many as three dominates architectonically the theatres operate in Słupsk: the city. In 2003, Słupsk mayor Ma- Puppet Theatre "Rainbow", ciej Kobyliński handed over the the New Theatre and the avant- town hall tower, from which garde "Rondo" Theatre. Słupsk panorama can be ad- People coming to Słupsk in mired, for common use. So take search of peace and quiet can a look from the tower. When find it when walking along city you look to the left, you can see squares on the banks of the Slu- in the foreground a structure pia River or going to cyclical with visibly old walls. It is the concerts of classical music, e.g. New Gate, the youngest of the the Organ Music Concerts in medieval city entrances, which the St. Jack Church with the houses an art gallery now. Just most famous musicians. behind the New Gate with the Many other cultural events background of the New Gate are also organised in Słupsk, Street there is a tramcar, a sym- for instance the Komeda Jazz bol of nearly 50 years of Słupsk Festival and the Women's Art history when trams were used. Encounters, internationally rec- To the right one can see the ognized events, which draw at- Church of St.Mary, the tower tention of both local residents and of which is a little askew It is many tourists visiting the city, out of plumb by nearly 90 cm. We warmly invite you to Next to the church there is a visit Słupsk and we are sure that historic post-office building everyone can find something in- that still functions as such and teresting here. Ustka is a summer capi- Thanks to ist location Ustka tal of Poland, but not is under direct influence of ben- also during the sum- eficial sea air. Specific, uniqe mer time everyone can find what microclimate can be found here he/she needs: healty climate, - sea aerosol, black pine resin relaxation, silence of forest, roar and gentle breeze air natural of waves. Healting treatments inhalers. Location of the town, or...adventures and attractions forests, clean air rich in iodine, - from Monday to Sunday, from mud deposits and brine are ad- dust till dawn... vantages which made Ustka ob- All tourists, visitors to a spa, tain the status Health Resort in travelers and guests from all over 1988. Is is over 150 years since the world are invited to see and people started to visit Ustka in take advantage of our beautiful healting purposes. landscapes and attractive town: SUN ON THE BEACH, clean, sandy beaches, which BUT IN THE EVENING... stretch 2 km along both sides of MORNING... blissful lazi- the port. One of not numerous ness on the beach is not only places on Polish coast where we leisure time. Relax your mind, re- can see the beauty of nature - cliff generate stamina and get beautiful coast washed by stormy winds tan - golden, mahogany or brown one of the most attractive sea- - depends on your needes, fash- side resort, wäret classifield as I ion and perseverance. class clean Apart from sun baths there Lively promenade are numerous attractions on the Beneficjal sea climate, dur- beach: slides, canoe and water ing your stay in Ustka you can equipment rentals. supplement the lack of Magne- AFTERNOON... is time sium in your organism for entertainment, you will not Active holiday and oppor- be bored. The promenade, ca- tunity to keep fit thanks to rich fes, concerts, festivals and many offer relaxation: bicycle and foot other events which are part of paths, canoeing, spa, sailing, surf- Events Calendar. ing, diving, paradise for anglers AT NIGHT... life flourishes in Wide range of accomodation pubs, discos, dancings - it's only Town of summer parties, the matter of Your choice. You can guarantee you will not be bored dance and have fun till dawn or go here: musical events, concerts to bed to greet next day early in the on Promenade, festivals and morning and in the afternoon have contests which can not be found a walk on the promenade and pres- anywhere else. Plenty of attrac- ent nem, fashionable outfit, fresh tions, open-air cafes, restaurant, suntan and delight in the unique cafes let you spend a nice time atmopshere. after whole day on the beach MOREOVER... there are Entertainment from dust many others attractions - rich till dawn - in pubs and discos offer of gyms, saunas, SPA, bike and tomorrow is another per- rentals, tennis courts, horse feet day...all this creates the rides. In case of bad weather feel atmosphere of this sea resort, invited to the cinema, Culture HEALT RESORT - Ustka Center, Art Gallery or library in not only a place of summer which provide rich programme adventures of entertainment. Centrum Informacji Turystycznej Ziemia Stupska tel./fax +48 59 842 43 26, +48 59 842 07 91 Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Starzyńskiego 8 e-mail: it@um.slupsk.pl, www.slupsk.pl Wydział Promocji Urząd Miasta Ustka Polska, 76-270 Ustka, ul. Ks. Kard. St. Wyszyńskiego 3 tel./fax: + 48 59 815 43 50 e-mail: promocja@um.ustka.pl, www.ustka.pl 10 Ośrodek Szkoleniowo-Wypoczynkowy "Leśnik" Polska, 76-270 Ustka, Orzechowo Morskie tel. +48 59 814 46 35 e-mail: oszw.orzech owo (o)szczecin ek.lasy.gov.pl www.orzechowo-morskie.com.pl Nadleśnictwo Ustka Polska, 76-270 Ustka, ul. Słupska 25 tel. +48 59 814 40 00, tel./fax +48 59 814 40 09 e-mail: ustka(S)szczecinek.lasy.gov.pl fha rast mi tha Polish Baltic coast listka Hunters Within the area managed by the Forestry Commission Ustka operates the Training and Recreation Centre "Forester" located in a seaside resort of Orzechowo Morskie. The Centre lies 6 km from the town of Ustka in the beech forest just 150 m from the sea. Accommodation consists of 3 buildings for up to 110 guests with single rooms, double rooms and 3 person rooms with bathrooms and additionally 50 beds in holiday cottages which can accommodate 3 or 4 persons each. Out of summer season the Centre organizes trainings and occasional events as well as "green-school" stays for pupils and students from all over Poland. Two conference rooms and a computer room with 17 computers are made available, too. Rooms are air-con-ditioned and equipped with multimedia projection devices. The Centre's area is fenced and has its own secure monitored car parking. The guests can use sports and recreational facilities situated on its premises: a tennis court, recreational space with a possibility for making a barbecue or building The 'Baltic' Military Hunting Club, which is one of the oldest and largest hunting clubs in Polish Middle Pomerania, has been actively operating in Ustka for over 60 years. The club has over 100 members and has been managed by its Head Janusz Grzybowski and an experienced hunter Stanislaw Granda for several terms. The club's priority is game breeding, wildlife protection and education activities rather than just hunting. The hunters 'breed' animals in the area of nearly 20 thousand hectares by improving their natural food base, preventing excessive damage to crops and ensuring food in difficult conditions. The previous two winters were particularly harsh which made the hunters focus on helping the animals. One good example of such actions was the 'Christmas Eve Hunt' when the club members brought food for animals instead of weapons. Another priority among the club's activities is combating pests, poaching and snaring. This involves raising awareness among the local population and teaching young people in schools. Meetings in schools, camp-fires, talks, joint game breeding and wildlife/hunting competitions all show to young people and the local population what modern hunting is about. Any hunting sessions in the 'Baltic' Hunting Club are always friendly occasions organised in the required formula and based on the hunting ethics and traditions. We organise festive oath-taking for young hunters, initiation events after the first successful hunting and hunter promotions. Such an educational approach and reasonable management of the leased areas will enable also the next generations to appreciate the unique beauty and richness of Ustka's wildlife as it is appreciated now by many hunters from Poland and abroad who come to visit the 'Baltic' Club's resources. a bonfire, a playground for children, a bicycle rental point, a coffee house, an amusement arcade, a gymnasium and a sauna. A stud is located 2 km from the Centre. A viewing tower is situated near the Centre, as well as the "nature and forest educational area". A didactic forest track called "The sand dune of Orzechowo" can be found not far from the Centre, too. Wojskowe Koło Łowieckie Nr 241 „BAŁTYK" Polska, 76-271 Ustka, Osiedle Lędowo IN e-mail: marbor(S)op.pl Wir bieten: • komfortable Einzel-, Doppel- und Dreibettzimmer mit Bad/Dusche/WC, Balkon, TV und Telefon, • exzellente gastronomische Versorgung mit Speisesaal und einer ausgezeichneten und reichhaltigen Küche, • Für die Gäste gibt es ein Cafe mit Kaminzimmer und Billardtisch, • Möglichkeit der Inanspruchnahme von Heilbehandlungen (Massagen, Wassermassagen, Lasertherapie, Kältetherapie, Phototherapie, Inhalationen, Ultraschall, Magnetfeldtherapie und Bewegungstherapie), • Den Gästen steht ein Grillplatz zur Verfügung, • Unser Haus ist umzäunt und hat einen eigenen Parkplatz. OŚRODEK REHABILITAC YJNO -WYPO CZYNKOWY „WŁÓKNIARZ" Polska, 76-270 Ustka, ul. Wczasowa 15 Tel. +48 59 814 44 24, +48 59 814 70 69 www.wlokniarz.ta.plwww.wlokniarz.afr.pl e-mail: wlokniarz(2>ta.pl 2011- Targowy Reizvolle Erholung in Ustka Das Reha- und Erholungszentrum „Włókniarz" ist ein dreistöckiges Gebäude mit Aufzug am höchsten Punkt der Steilküste in einem malerischen Teil des Ferien- und Erholungsviertels von Ustka (dt. Stolpmünde) unweit des Stadtzentrums. Es liegt inmitten von Kiefernwald mit bezaubernden Pfaden für romantische Spaziergänge und einem bequemen Abstieg zu dem breiten Sandstrand. Das ganz besondere Stolpmünder Mikroklima wirkt wohltuend auf die Atemwege und das Herz-Kreislauf-System. Unser Haus besitzt einen eigenen Behandlungsstützpunkt, der mit speziellen technischen Rehabilitationsmitteln ausgestattet ist. Wir beschäftigen hochqualifiziertes Personal und garantieren eine fachlich einwandfreie Betreuung und umfassende Beratung im Bereich Rehabilitation sowie eine kostenlose ärztliche Untersuchung und Beratung. Während Ihres Aufenthalts organisieren wir Tanzabende, Busausflüge, Schiffsfahrten auf der Ostsee, Spaziergänge durch Ustka und die Umgebung und gesellige Grillabende. Gasthof „u Bnrnackiclf Der Gasthof „u Berna-ckich" ist ein Erho-lungs- und Ferienobjekt im Zentrum von Smołdzino (dt. Schmolsin) mit einem vornehmen Restaurant, das für seine ausgezeichnete Küche bekannt ist. In den rustikalen eingerichteten Räumen des Restaurants, der Galerie und im Außenbereich servieren wir vorzügliche regionale und altpolnische Gerichte. Seit einigen Jahren beherbergen wir auch Yoga-Lager. Wir bemühen uns, stets den Wünschen unserer Gäste entgegenzukommen und haben so die Speisekarte um vegetarische Gerichte erweitert. Der Landgasthof bietet 40 Doppel,- Dreibett- und Vierbettzimmer mit Bad (in zwei Pensionen). Die Zimmer sind elegant und stilgerecht eingerichtet, fast jedes Zimmer ist anders. Familien können Suiten und Familienzimmer buchen. Wir übernehmen die Bewirtung von Reisegruppen und Trainingslagern und betreuen auch Tagungen und festlichen Veranstaltungen. Den Gästen stehen drei Säle (darunter der Meeressaal für Hochzeiten), zwei überdachte Grillplätze und Gerät für Tagungen und Konferenzen zur Verfügung- Seit über 10 Jahren arbeiten wir mit der Warschauer Akademie der Schönen Künste zusammen und jedes Jahr werden auf dem Gelände des Gasthofes studentische Diplomarbeiten umgesetzt. Die Innenräume der Pensionen, der Meeressaal und die Säle des Restaurants zieren Arbeiten meh- rerer Generationen von Künstlern (Die Wände des Restaurants schmücken Fresken mit religiöser und altslawischer Thematik und im Meeressaal sind wunderschöne Wandmalereien zu bewundern). Wir treten auch als Förderer anderer Künstlervereinigungen auf (so finden hier u.a. die berühmten Pleinairs von Künstlern aus Łódź statt). In unserem Gasthof werden auch Bildhauer-Pleinairs und Skulptur-Workshops veranstaltet, in deren Rahmen wir heimische Künstler und Kunstschaffende aus dem Ausland beherbergen. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen! Gościniec „u Bernackich", Polska, 76-214 Smołdzino, ul. Boh. Warszawy 26 Tel./fax +48 59 811 73 64, www.ubernackich.pl biuro(a)ubernackich.pl 12 Back to nature which is also a seaside resort, or- area in the district is Słowiński ganises sea tours and cod fishing. National Park - UNESCO's World and nineteenth centuries. There are canoeing trips on the riv- Biosphere Reserve. In the Park The biggest advantage of the ers for tourists too. For those with there are moving sand dunes - one of the few in Europe. Representative areas with numerous hiking tracks were selected for tourism. Charlotte Valley, located on the Lake Zamelowo, between Słupsk and Ustka, is an attractive place for locals and tourists. Other peculiar places in the region are also the 'Checked-Houses Land', Swolowo village, the seventeenth-century palace in Warcino where the Regional Education Centre is located, the oldest hydroelectric power plants' route in Europe found in the Slupia Valley Landscape Park, as well as a skansen -the open-air museum of the re-large experience, canoeing on the gional rural architecture in the beautiful and varied Slupia river is village of Kluki. especially recommended. We invite and encourage tour- Natural attraction and the ists who love active rest, water, sun most valuable natural protected and a smile to visit our land ... There are a few such places in Poland as the district of Slupsk. Its magic is the sound of the Baltic Sea waves, the beautiful landscapes, picturesque hills, forests full of secrets with numerous lakes and rivers like Slupia with Skotawa, Leba, Wieprza and Lupawa. Although the region is mostly associated with summer recreation, it is worth spending holiday there all year round, since there are so many opportunities and attractions within one's reach. Apart from many natural and cultural assets, the region's advantage are friendly people and good cooking. Slupsk's land offers ideal conditions for tourism, windsurfing, canoeing, biking, hiking, horse riding, sea fishing and hunting. Cycle ways lead through the areas of protected landscape, Słowiński National Park and through the villages with distinctive types of buildings from the seventeenth district of Slupsk is the access to the Baltic Sea. One can enjoy the beauty of sandy beaches in Ustka, Rowy, Orzechowo, Dębina, Pod-dabie and Czolpino. Each of these charming villages creates their own unique atmosphere. Ustka, Starostwo Powiatowe Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Szarych Szeregów 14 tel. +48 59 841 85 00, fax +48 59 842 71 11 e-mail: starostwo(a)powiat.slupsk.pl www.powiat.slupsk.pl fot. Jan Maziejuk POMMERN-TOUR Polska, 70-255 Szczecin, ul. Łokietka 26/3 Tel. +48 91 48 90 009, fax +48 91 43 38 420, mobil: +48 607 451 286 e-mail: bogdan. j akym(o>p ommern-tour.pl 2011 , in Pommern POMMERN - TOUR - touristische Firma, mit Sitz in Stettin, bietet deutschen Busgruppen und individuellen Besuchern folgende Leistungen an: • Stadtführungen in Stettin, Stargard in Pommern, Kolberg, Swinemünde (Betreung auf Wunsch ganztägig oder stundenweise). • Reiseleitung auf der Insel Wollin (aufWunsch mit Berücksichtigung der Stadt Cammin in Pommern). • Individuelle Wünsche möglich. tourism, recreation, finances and self-government administration. Recently the College has introduced new postgraduate studies in the following fields: Occupational Health and Safety Management, Real Estate Management and European Projects Management. Its graduates have now the possibility to continue their education in form of Additional Postgraduate Studies offered in Słupsk as part of cooperation between Szczecin University and the WHSZ. Having in mind the good shape of economy and its companies, increase of the competiveness and renown of the whole region, the establishment continuously expands its educational process. To this end, there is the plan for introducing a new field of study - Mechatronics. That way, with the substantial support of the local authorities, the region would gain a strong technical education centre, because the College has already sufficient base to reach this objective. College with the future The Hanseatic Manage- region and from outside holding ment College (WHSZ) has managerial posts, and many gradu-been present in Słupsk for ates opened their own businesses. 15 years now and for 4 years oper- The WHSZ's vice-chancellor is Ph.D. ates in a historical military complex, Antoni Szreder, a law specialist. which was renovated with great rev- After Poland's EU-accession the erence. The seat of the College both authorities of the Słupsk college took functionally and visually stands out decisive measures for active partici-decidedly from other higher educa- pation in the process of creating the tion establishments in Poland with vision of modern Europe. Accepted its unique climate and prestige. The by the authorities of the New Hanse, WHSZ prides itself on being the first the establishment has identified a key non-public manager-type higher ed- objective of educating a new genera-ucation establishment in the region tion of Poles who would be able to which educates professional person- collaborate on creation of the new di-nel for the needs of economy. Since mension of the European society by the year of its foundation nearly4,000 realising ambitious plans. According of higher technical education gradu- to this, the establishment actively parates have left the College and found ticipates in all activities that promote jobs in various companies from the the competiveness of the Pomeranian region. Thanks to the continuous attention of the College authorities to maintaining sufficient didactic resources and professional teaching staff, the region gains every year new highly qualified employees, professionals in the field of managing companies, human resources, Wyższa Hanzeatycka Szkoła Zarządzania Polska, 76-200 Stupsk, ul. Kozietulskiego 6-7 Tel. +48 59 848 28 63, fax +48 59 848 28 67 e-mail: rekrutacja(3)whsz.slupsk.pl www.whsz.slupsk.pl 1401 14 Alles Ober Metallbearbeitung ZDZ in Słupsk ist schon seit Jahren als Metallbearbeitung Maschinen Produzent bekannt. Die Firma produziert: Magnet und Fliessfilter mit verschiedener Leistung für Industriegerate, Gewindeschneidema- schinen, Schweißtische, Spezial Zubehör fur die Schiffbau Industrie und Aschenfanger Systeme für die Energetik. Die Firma verfugt über einen großen Maschinenpark, was eregibt breite Technologische Möglichkeiten zu Endproduktion, Kooperation und Dienstleistungen im Zerspanen Schlosserarbeiten, Schweißarbeiten, Dunnblechbe-arbeitung und kalt Stanzen, Modellbau und Gusserzeugnisse aus Grauguss und Aluminium. Warmekisteblocks Der Warmekisteblock Typ Sco-4a ist für Montage in Maschinenräumen von Seeschiffen mit unbegrenztem schwimm Region geeignet, als Ausgleichbehalter in dem Kondensat und Wasserspeis System für Hilfskessel. Magnetfilter mit Vliesfilter FMA1B Magnetfilter Typ FMA 1B wird zu befreien verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten und Kuhlflussigkeit von magnetischen und anderen Verschmutzungen bei Temperatur bis 70 Grat Celsius und Viskosität 30 Cst. Filteraggregat Komplet ausgerüsteter Aggregat ist zum filtern der Emul sionen und anderen Bearbeitungs - Flüssigkeiten von magne tischen und nicht magnetischen Verschmutzungen geeignet. Die Ausrüstung des Aggregats das heißt: Art und Menge der mon tierten Filter, Verteilung, art der .Angewendeten Druckpumpen für die gefilterte Flüssigkeit, Rauminhalt und die Ausmaße des Hauptbehalters und andere Technische Parameter, können individuell angepasst werden auf Wunsch des Nutzers. nr 2 All about metalworking The Professional Skills Development Workshop (ZDZ) in Słupsk is a well-known manufacturer of metalworking machines with a long-standing tradition. It produces magnetic and paper filters of various efficiency for industrial appliances, screwing machines, airless shot blasting machines for metal parts, sheet rolling machines, welding benches and specialist devices for shipbuilding industry. The company possesses a large stock of machines, which gives it a wide range of technological possibilities to carry out a final production stage, cooperation and services regarding machining, general fitting and lock-smithing, welding, processing of thin sheets and sheetmetal cold working, patterns and cast iron and cast aluminium products. ,1 I Wir modernisieren Heizkraftwerke I ZDZ in Słupsk ist seit Jahren mit Modernisierung der Aschenfangersysteme in kleinen und mittelgroßen Heizkraftwerken beschäftigt. Dazu dingen die in ZDZ produzierte Drehventile und Ausblas-Apparate. Die Gerate arbeiten mit sehr gutem Erfolg in mehreren Kraft und Heizkraftwerken in unserem Land, letztens hat das Heizwerk in Słupsk die Erzeugnisse von ZDZ bei der Modernisiereng der Aschenfanger —=. in die Zyklongruppe eingebaut. SŁUPSK Tisch Schweiß SS-1 Der Schweißtisch Typ SS-1 mit einem Abluftventilator ist für all Schweißarbeiten bestimmt. Die Konstruktion des Tisches ermöglicht auch andere Arbeiten wie z b Kleben, Lutten wo Gase entstehen, auf ihm durchzufuhren. Die Tische werden in Mehres Versionen und anderen produziert. Zakład Doskonalenia Zawodowego Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. Szczecińska 57 tel. +48 59 845 29 28 fax +48 59 845 37 88 e-mail: zdz(a)zdz.slupsk.pl www.zdz.slupsk.pl polskie drewno POLTAREX polskie drewno European Quality Polish Timber PPD „POLTAREX" Sp. z o.o. Polska, 84-300 Lębork, ul. Żeromskiego 9/10 tel.: +48 59 862 24 49, +48 59 862 24 30 fax: +48 59 863 33 72 e-mail: sekretariat@poltarex.pl www.poltarex.pl POLTAREX Offer We produce a wide range of timber products and semiproducts. Our main product groups are: Coniferous timber for general use: Unedged and edged timber Boards, Planks Squared timber Beams Building timber: Rafter framing Structural timber Planed floor boards Angebot In unseren Sägewerken produzieren wir ein breites Sortiment von Holzprodukten und - halbfabrikaten. Alle Aufträge erledigen wir termingerecht gemäß der Vereinbarungen mit dem Auftragsgeber. Unsere hauptsächlichen Produktengrupppen sind: I. Nadelschnittholz allgemeiner Verwendung: Unbesäumt und besäumt Bretter, Bohlen Kantholz Balken w.poltarex.pJ Bauschnittholz: Dachbinder Konstruktionselemente Gehobelte Fußbodenbretter Gartenprogramm: Bretter, Kantholz, Latten, 4 - seitig gehobelt, geriffelt, imprägniert Staketenzäune Picknicktische Holzfliesen Pergolen Garagenklebedächer- Carports Sonstige Produkten gemäß dem individuellen Kundenauftrag. Zertifikat: FSC, CTB B+, ISO 9001:2000 3. Garden products: Boards, squared timber, battens, 4 sides planed, grooved, impregnated Wooden fencing Pick-nick tables Decking Pergolas Carports Other products according to customer requirements. Certification: FSC, CTB B+, ISO 9001:2000 щшяшл Last stage of the project The Water and Sewage Manage- ment Programme in the Słupsk Re- gion, which is the largest project sup- ported with EU funds in the region, will end in June 2011. The Water and Sewage Management Programme in the Słupsk Region is a joint undertaking of three communes: the Town of Słupsk, the Commune of Kobylnica and the Commune of Słupsk. Wodociągi Słupsk sp. z o.o. is the beneficiary of EU funds received under the Cohesion Fund. The project includes construction of an in- tegrated water and sewage management model for Słupsk and the neighbouring rural communes. This is a catchment- based operation which enables the collection and treatment of municipal sewage from the area of the three neigh- bouring communes in Slupsks treat- ment plant. Following the construction of a water treatment plant, one of the project results has already been delivered: meeting quality requirements for tap water in the town of Słupsk in terms of iron and manganese compound content reduction. Also, the expansion of Slupsks sewage treatment plant and the construction of the towns main sewage collector and sewerage sys tem have all been completed. The construction of sewerage sys tems in the communes of Słupsk and Ко bylnica is currently being finalised. This part of the investment project is a key factor affecting improvement of natural environment in the entire Słupsk region. The project will end in June 2011. The estimated project value is c. EUR 24.7m of which a maximum of EUR 13.7m will be covered by the European Unions Cohesion Fund. The water treatment plant in Słupsk A view of Słupsk s sewage treatment plant after expansion and modernisation The completion of the "Programme for Water and Wastewater Management in the Słupsk region", which is co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund, will contribute to reduction of social and economical differences between EU citizens. Y odociqgi Słupsk „Wodociągi Słupsk" Sp. z o.o. Polska, 76-200 Słupsk, ul. E. Orzeszkowej 1 e-mail: sekretariaty wodociagi.slupsk.pl tel. +48 59 84-18-300, faks: +48 59 84-18-302 www.wodociagi.slupsk.pl